Enhancing Asset Management Efficiency

Explore the journey of LifeFlight Group Queensland, one of Australia's leading air medical retrieval operations, as they harnessed the power of Loc8's asset-centric management software.

Medical Staff
Cost per flight

About LifeFlight Group Queensland

Collectively representing one of Australia’s largest air medical retrieval operations, LifeFlight Group Queensland provides treatment to thousands of people each year, both domestically and internationally. The organisation integrates its own full-time critical care doctors, air crews, dedicated medical helicopters and jets to reduce response times, significantly improving patient outcomes. LifeFlight Group Queensland utilises a workforce of more than 350 employees.

The Challenge

LifeFlight needed an asset-centric inventory control system to manage everything from medical consumables and medical devices, through to the buildings and aircraft that hold them.

“Loc8 provides transparency to multidisciplinary teams at multiple locations, enables efficient collaboration. Implementation is swift and professionally guided by Loc8 Project managers. Highly recommended”

Brendan Turgiev, Equipment & Logistics Controller, LifeFlight Group Qld.

The Solution

Loc8’s asset-centric management software package, Loc8, is tailored to the needs of LifeFlight’s emergency services personnel, asset managers and asset owners.The easy asset configuration provided by Loc8 proved to be the right solution to meet LifeFlight Group’s rigorous in-air and in-field requirements.

The Result

With Loc8, LifeFlight has now achieved a comprehensive structure of assets, inventory and consumables in a central online repository. This repository of critical information is accessed by emergency services personnel on aircraft, in vehicles and on base.

“The selection of Loc8 as the preferred operational asset management tool by LifeFlight Group Queensland is a great reinforcement of Loc8’s unique ability to help companies deal with Asset Management and Stock control, including consumables, across many different locations.”

Chief Information Officer, Loc8.

The Stats

  • 68% of all missions involved the transfer of seriously sick and injured patients to larger hospitals for specialist treatment.
  • 120 LifeFlight doctors and medical support staff are employed to work around the clock on specialised medical aircraft throughout Queensland.
  • 82% of RACQ LifeFlight rescue missions were flown in South West Queensland
  • $12,500 is the average cost of a four hour RACQ LifeFlight rescue mission
  • 3878 patient contacts were made by LifeFlight doctors across Queensland in 2012/2013

Increased efficiency, utilisation and profitability.

The Loc8 solution offers:

  • Effective cost control of assets under management.
  • Comprehensive management of preventive & reactive asset maintenance.
  • Overall visibility of an organisation’s assets, allowing system-wide fault control, damage analysis and proactive management.
  • In-field staff mobility and real-time remote work order dispatch.
  • Integration with other enterprise software systems and data sources, as & when required.
  • Intuitive iOS and Android mobile applications.

Loc8 heralds a much needed revolution in the computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), through Loc8.com’s Service Supply ChainTM model. A vision for the future, the Service Supply ChainTM encapsulates a seamless platform of fully integrated, comprehensive digital solutions encompassing asset lifecycle, maintenance, fault service and mobile workforce management tasks. Loc8 unlocks unprecedented service, productivity and efficiency gains never before seen in the asset and maintenance provider service chain.

For information about LifeFlight Group Queensland visit www.LifeFlightgroup.com

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