Maximize Efficiency and Control with Loc8's Asset Management Solutions

Unlock the true potential of your assets with Loc8's cutting-edge Asset Management solutions. Seamlessly track, monitor, and optimize your valuable resources with precision and ease.

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Seize Control Today

Experience the future of Asset Management with Loc8. Unleash operational efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure your assets work smarter, not harder.

Streamlined Tracking, Seamless Management

Effortlessly oversee your assets throughout their lifecycle. Loc8's intuitive interface allows you to manage assets from acquisition to retirement, ensuring optimal utilization and reducing costly downtime.

Unified Data Hub

No more scattered spreadsheets or disjointed systems. Loc8 centralizes your asset information, providing a single source of truth for your entire organization. Gain instant access to critical data, streamline decision-making, and enhance collaboration across teams.

Proactive Maintenance Strategies

Stay ahead of maintenance needs with Loc8's predictive insights. Leverage historical data to forecast potential issues, schedule preventive maintenance, and extend the lifespan of your assets.

Customizable to Your Workflow

Loc8 adapts to your unique business processes. Customize workflows, tags, and fields to align with your industry requirements, ensuring a tailored experience that enhances productivity and user adoption.

Empower Your Team, Elevate Your Success

Equip your team with the tools they need to excel. Loc8's user-friendly interface and mobile app empower technicians to efficiently manage work orders, update asset status, and collaborate on-the-go.

Ignite Efficiency with Loc8: 
Embark on Your Path to Operational Excellence

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Trusted Worldwide by Businesses Everywhere

Efficient Asset Tracking

Simplified Asset Location Monitoring

Harness Loc8's integrated Google Maps feature to effortlessly monitor your assets based on their geographical location. With the optional region functionality, you can even segregate assets by area, enhancing control and visibility.

Proactive Maintenance Planning

Stay Ahead with Proactive Maintenance

Automatically generate task-centered work orders for assets, leveraging their location and necessary maintenance schedule. Reacting swiftly to customer requests is vital, but strategically planning ahead can truly transform your approach.

Enhanced Budget Management

Real-time Budget Oversight and Enhancement

Effortlessly establish budgets for maintenance expenses across asset categories, locations, regions, and work types. Users can plan and track the businesses cash flow, ultimately reducing costs and aligning with budgetary constraints.

Condition and Lifecycle Enhancement

Automate Operations through Condition-based Rules

Craft rules that trigger actions based on asset conditions or events. Whether it's notifying stakeholders when an asset malfunctions or marking an asset as inactive after a specific parameter update, Loc8 empowers you with automated efficiency.

Transforming Operations: 
The Loc8 Success Story at Peritech

Unveiling How Loc8 Enhanced Efficiency for Peritech

Discover how Loc8's easy configuration and seamless integration capabilities propelled Peritech towards delivering on their contract commitments with exceptional finesse. Uncover how the adoption of Loc8's advanced asset, job, and workforce management platform elevated Peritech's KPI performance by an impressive 15%, resulting in an outstanding customer experience and seamless execution of contractual duties. Read Case Study

Asset Management tips from the SmartPath blog

Explore the SmartPath Blog
All Aboard the Loc8 Train: Navigating the Rails of Compound Asset Management

All Aboard the Loc8 Train: Navigating the Rails of Compound Asset Management

Embark on a journey through the world of compound asset management with Loc8. Discover how this all-in-one CMMS wizard streamlines coordination, eliminates paperwork, and brings predictive maintenance magic to your rail assets. Join us for a seamless...

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Maximizing Efficiency and Comfort: The Benefits of Timely Maintenance with Loc8 in Social Housing

Maximizing Efficiency and Comfort: The Benefits of Timely Maintenance with Loc8 in Social Housing

Discover the transformative power of Loc8 in social housing maintenance. From proactive problem resolution to cost savings and increased property value, explore how this innovative solution enhances operational efficiency, tenant satisfaction, and...

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The Role of Predictive Maintenance in Modern Facility Management

The Role of Predictive Maintenance in Modern Facility Management

In the dynamic landscape of facility management, staying ahead of maintenance challenges is crucial. This article delves into the transformative realm of predictive maintenance, shedding light on its pivotal role in revolutionizing how facilities are...

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Elevate Your Asset Management Today

Effortlessly manage, track, and maintain your assets with Loc8's advanced solutions.

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Absolutely, SmartPath provides dedicated support and training resources tailored to the unique needs of your business.

During the onboarding process, SmartPath offers comprehensive support. Our experts are available to guide your team through the initial setup, ensuring a seamless transition and enabling you to maximize the benefits of Loc8 Software.

All Loc8 Enterprise clients will have access to a dedicated team of Service Delivery managers as well as an Account Manager, ensuring that you are never without access to timely and efficient support.

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